Thursday 24 September 2015

Computer Game Graphics

Computer Game Graphics
      - Pixel Art

Pixel art is a type of digital art made with the use of raster graphics software – this is where you can edit images on the pixel level. Pixel art is mostly in old devices, so, old computers, mobile phones, consoles, etc. For example, the Pokémon series and Minecraft are example of games that use pixel art.

2D Sprites: A sprite is a bitmap graphic that is designed to be part of a larger scene. It can either be a static image or an animated graphic. Examples of sprites include objects in 2D video games, icons that are part of an application user interface, and small images published on websites.

3D Isometric Sprites: 3D isometric sprites are 2D sprites that give the impression of depth, posed in 3D. For example, World of Warcraft of The Sims, where you can rotate the camera and see you character in a 3 dimensional perspective, these games use 3D Isometric Sprites. They are used to add depth.

Concept Art
Concept art is “the initial design used to develop the look and feel of a project.” ( It’s all the ideas that you have before you start creating certain aspects in a game (or film, comic book, etc...) such as: the characters, the background, the location, the environment, etc. You can get these ideas - and advance in your project – from a simple drawing, or a model, or even something you’ve seen in a film for example.


Texture Art
Texture art “is used to describe either the way a three-dimensional work actually feels when touched, or the visual "feel" of a two-dimensional work.” ( It’s used to inform the audience of what something is made of, looks like and feels likes. Textures should be relevant towards the place, background, storyline and scene of a game. Here are a few examples of different textures:

·        Background graphics

These are the graphics of all the things that are in the background in a certain scene – from trees to walls, forests, rain and clouds, etc… These are mainly static images that you cannot interact with, they are just there to set the ambience and also so that it wouldn’t just be blank. Here are some examples of background graphics:

·        In-game interface


In-game interface is all the things that you can possibly interact with in a video-game. From your HUD to the main menu, mini-map and chat, etc., all the things you can interact with by clicking or typing, pressing any buttons, etcetera, that’s the in-game interface. Here are a couple of examples of in-game interfaces. The image on the right clearly shows us the main menu of the game, as well as character, stats, abilities, minimap, scoreboard and time.

·        Print Media Art
This is like the face of the game. It’s the art of the game cover, the game’s poster, game’s website and overall the theme in which the game is portrayed. This impacts the number of sales – the better the game cover the more copies you’re going to sell for example. It also makes the audience get into the game even more.


Consequences and benefits of playing video-games

·         Concerns such as excess playing time
International studies have shown that between seven and 11 per cent of gamers show some symptoms associated with addiction. Some teens are heavy users of online role-playing games (RPGs) such as World of Warcraft and multiplayer games such as Call of Duty in which they interact with other players in real time. These teens will often neglect schoolwork and other aspects of their daily lives when they become immersed in these games. While it remains unclear whether this can be termed an “addiction,” the American Medical Association has identified “video game overuse” as a ‘behaviour’ and may include it in a future edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

·         Social isolation
Social isolation can be an immediate consequence of continuous and ceaseless gaming. People, especially children, tend to spend lesser time with their friends and others because they want to get back home/gaming place as fast as possible and continue playing. This makes them aloof from others and so in the long-run lack abilities of social communication and develop a kind of anthropophobia (fear of human company).
Read more at Buzzle:

·         Cost
While gaming can be a very healthy hobby it may become problematic if gamers feel the pressure of having all of the newly released games in their preferred genre. Other factors include the need to purchase the latest gaming platforms. With such a wide platform choice such as consoles, pc, hand-held and online games there is increased pressure on the cost of keeping up with the latest greatest gaming technologies. This may put strain on parents whose children constantly want the latest releases and want to upgrade their platforms every year. The costs also include electricity, internet costs and additional hardware costs required for gamin such as controllers. Online games also require monthly subscription which can become costly over time. While gaming can be a very healthy hobby it may become problematic if gamers feel the pressure of having all of the newly released games in their preferred genre. Other factors include the need to purchase the latest gaming platforms. With such a wide platform choice such as consoles, pc, hand-held and online games there is increased pressure on the cost of keeping up with the latest greatest gaming technologies. This may put strain on parents whose children constantly want the latest releases and want to upgrade their platforms every year. The costs also include electricity, internet costs and additional hardware costs required for gamin such as controllers. Online games also require monthly subscription which can become costly over time.

·         Separation from reality
Some gamers become so engrossed in games that they actually believe they are part of the virtual world in which the game takes place. This may be an enjoyable experience for some in the likes of an adventure game but it can have negative effects. There are examples of violent games that have made normally passive individuals become violent when they are not playing games. Other examples are people who have committed murders in the form of actions seen in games that they had become addicted to. Although these are very extreme examples the dangers of becoming separated from society and carrying out actions that you have seen in games because you believe this is the norm, it has happened. Society should be aware of these cases and measures must be adopted by gaming companies to stop this happening. This may also tie into number of hours spent playing games. As gamers become more and more addicted to a game they forget about life outside of the game and beating the game becomes the most important thing to them. This has a negative effect on society as normal day to day activities as working, eating and sleeping are effected as the gamer becomes more and more involved in the game and removed from reality.


(hand-eye coordination, brain training)
Action video gamers tend to be more attune to their surroundings while performing tasks like driving down a residential street, where they may be more likely to pick out a child running after a ball than a non-video gamer. Action game playing might be a useful tool to rehabilitate visually impaired patients or to train soldiers for combat.
"It is certainly good training for people in situations where they need to detect things in their visual environment at any time in any location, like ground troops going through uncharted territory," - Daphne Bavelier.
Brain skills improved by playing first-person shooters include more than hand-eye coordination, a long-held assumption: Studies cited by Scientific American Mind found that gamers who played shooters often fared better in tests of abilities such as spatial reasoning, spatial focus, and visual acuity and decision-making.
Sources: ;

·         Thinking and strategy skills

Playing video games regularly can increase ability to make quick decisions and switch between tasks, researchers found.
Good news for gamers: a new British study finds that some video games can help to train the brain to become more agile and improve strategic thinking.
Scientists from Queen Mary University of London and University College London recruited 72 female volunteers and measured their "cognitive flexibility," described as a person's ability to adapt and switch between tasks and think about multiple ideas at a given time to solve problems.
Two groups of subjects were trained to play different versions of a real-time fast-paced strategy game called "StarCraft" in which players have to construct and organize armies to battle an enemy. A third of the group played life simulation video game "The Sims," which does not require much memory or many tactical skills.
All the volunteers played the video games for 40 hours over six to eight weeks and were subjected to a variety of psychological tests before and after.
Findings showed that subjects who played "StarCraft" were quicker and more accurate in performing cognitive flexibility tasks than those who played "The Sims."
"Previous research has demonstrated that action video games, such as Halo, can speed up decision making but the current work finds that real-time strategy games can promote our ability to think on the fly and learn from past mistakes," said researcher Dr. Brian Glass

·         Future impact

Gaming technology constantly evolves and continuous to set a bench mark for helping people develop skills by allowing them to practice both theoretical and practical skills in a virtual environment. This will only continue to evolve as the benefit of games is developed to the extent were training simulators can allow individuals to become completely proficient in using high-tech tools in a practice environment before using them in a live environment. Using games as educational tools is boundless and this could develop immensely to the extent that learning games could be used to deliver a non-computer related topic in its entirety. Game hardware and ergonomic design of consoles and controller devices will be further developed and will continue to influence the design of hardware devices used outside of the gaming industry.

·         Impact on mainstream application development

Early games such as pong helped developed a more graphical based interface and hardware devices such as joy sticks and controllers have been developed over time to ensure users could interact with games more easily. This switch towards a more graphical based operating system was also inspired by gaming. You can see today’s 3D games user interface design being modelled by operating systems. Gaming has also helped how users interact with PCs as controller and wireless communications devices have been specifically designed with gaming in mind. This has provided many benefits for the mainstream computing industry and allowed users to more easily interact with computers.

Psychological factors:

·         Sound

The use of sound in video games does a lot to immerse the player in the gameplay. Sounds within the game are used to re-enforce the players’ positive and negative thoughts about their performance in the game. According to technopedia, “game designers strive to create a complete environment using audio and visuals”. They state that sounds are embedded into the game to “match the motion” of the surrounding weather conditions and moving clouds. Using sounds like this makes the player become more immersed as the sounds and visuals work together to make the game seem as realistic as possible. When we look at how the use of sounds in games over time from simple beeps in early games to provide the player with auditory feedback to today’s soundtracks and totally immersive sound you can see how much effort has gone into using sound to make players become more immersed in the gameplay. Sounds provide a better experience for the gamer and is used to enhance the emotional experience during gameplay.

·         High score listings

High score listings were used in earlier games to make players feel superior and the best at a particular game. In fact there is a documentary type movie devoted to the obsession with getting the world record in the early version of the Donkey Kong Game. The movie called “King of Kong: A fistful of quarters” shows the emotional struggle of players competing against each other to beat the record. Some of the behaviour is indeed very strange and it is apparent that the high score listing makes the player think and act differently!

·         Competitive games

There are many positives to competitive gaming! With the advance in technology and MMO games, players now have the opportunity to play against or with other gamers from all over the world. Gaming in this way makes it a truly international competition than continually runs 24/7/365. Communicating with people and cooperating with them can be a highly positive experience and one that can make friendships with people who may never have met. Friendly online competition can boost social skills and create a number of potential associates when people find a common interest whilst taking part in competitive gaming. The competitive element helps players test each other in ways that may help them work together in online or offline projects in the future. Competitive gaming also has a negative impact on some individuals. Research by the American Psychological Association suggests that a small percentage of gamers demonstrate aggressive behaviour when taking part in highly competitive games.
The competitive element does impact on individuals and may psychologically affect them in terms of becoming aggressive based on their gaming experience. The frustration of not completing certain challenges or being outdone by other gamers might be too much for some and lead people to lose their temper. This shows the negative psychological effects of competitive gaming. Gamers playing competitive games also showed increased heart rate during and after gameplay. This shows that they are effected by the game and it effects them both psychologically and physically. Source:

·         Peer pressure

Peer pressure is something that is very relevant in the world of teenage gamers whose need to have the latest and greatest platforms and titles drives sales in the games industry. Games console designers normally release around Christmas to ensure they maximise sales around the period when people have most money to spend. The pressure to have the latest console is driven by peer pressure and puts pressure on parents to buy the latest gaming equipment and games. Intelligent advertising campaigns are used by games companies to target people of all ages to see the latest games development as a must have. Similarly gamification is used in products to make people accountable for their actions.

·         Fun

Most casual gamers play for fun. This is a plain and simple fact! The enjoyment achieved by playing games helps players escape reality and become immersed in a fantasy world where they can act out the life of the main character of the game.
Game designers do consider the emotions of gamers when designing the game and one of the key emotions to target is player fun. No matter how much bad press gaming gets in terms of promoting negative emotions it is very clear that one of the key psychological factors that drive gamers is to experience fun!

·         Educational value

Videogames have great positive potential in addition to their entertainment value and there has been considerable success when games are designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill.” - Mark Griffiths from the Nottingham Trent University.
The research shows that video games have helped players increase their language skills, basic Maths skills, basic reading skills as well as their social skills. Video games have been used to train children who were severely handicapped to communicate successfully. Video games have also been used to train children with attention deficit disorder to improve their thinking skills. This research shows that although some may say that games have a negative effect on young people’s education they can also have positive impacts and educational value if used correctly. The impact on society will only change over time as games are used more and more for educational purposes. You can see that gamification is becoming more widely used across a range of application types to increase the level of interest and engage users more with software applications. Gamification has also been added to software tutorials when learning how to use new products. The impact on education can definitely be a positive one when games are used in the correct way!

·         Expectations

When playing games, gamers have certain expectations from the platforms that they play on and the titles that they play. As technology has improved and games have developed into a more realistic 3D experience gamers expectations have also increased. If we compare a games series like FIFA the expectations of gamers has increased with the release of every new title in terms of graphics and audio quality as well as playability. Gamers expect immediate feedback during gameplay.

·         Levelling

Levelling up in games is a smart move from games designers. Players are more immersed in gameplay when they have short and long term challenges and are awarded accordingly when achieving these during gameplay.
“In order to bring all these characters and stats into being in the present moment, RPGs give you certain stats bonuses for certain actions. It’s for this reason that we happily spend hours beating random beasts just to watch our stats go up.” - article on “Character creation and levelling”

This shows that players spend more time playing games due to the reward system that is embedded in the gameplay. Mechanics like these award systems and constant levelling up within a game engross players in a game and take them on an endless journey were they want to improve continuously within the game. This makes the player think and feel that they are part of the game and they take on the role of the main character.

Hardware Software Publishing

An electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.
Cost: Varies
Printers, Mouse, Monitors, Keyboards, and hardware in general.
Cost: Varies
  Dev kits
A software development kit is typically a set of software development tools that allows the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, video game console, operating system, or similar development platform. The following quote is the criteria for receiving Xbox One developer kits: Developers with an approved concept for Xbox One will receive two dev. kits, free of charge. Developers creating Universal Windows Apps for Xbox One will be able to test them using retail Xbox Ones starting after the second half of 2015.” -
Cost: Varies, $500 ~ $2500
No fees for neither PS4 nor Xbox One.


UDK is a free version of the commercially available Unreal Engine which allows professional and indie developers alike to work with industry tools to create stunning 3D games.
Cost: Free
Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by UnityTechnologies and used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites. First announced only for OS X, at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in 2005, it has since been extended to target more than fifteen platforms.
Cost: Free (with less features) OR $75 a month/$1500.
Game Maker
GameMaker is an easy-to-use programming environment that anyone, middle school-aged and older, can use to make their own video games. A basic version, called GameMaker Lite, can be downloaded free of charge from its publisher, YoYo Games, and is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Cost: Free
Autodesk Maya, commonly shortened to Maya, is a 3D computer graphics software that runs on Windows, OS X and Linux, originally developed by Alias Systems Corporation (formerly Alias. | Wavefront) and currently owned and developed by Autodesk, Inc.
Cost: £145 monthly / £365 quarterly / £1160 annually / £2900 perpetually

Steam Greenlight
Steam Greenlight is a system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the new games to be released on Steam. Developers post information, screenshots, and video for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution.
Cost: £70
ID@Xbox (Independent Developers @ Xbox) is a program by Microsoft allowing independent video game developers to self-publish titles for Windows and the Xbox One home video game console.
Cost: Free
PlayStation Network, officially abbreviated PSN, is an entertainment service provided by Sony Computer Entertainment for use with the PlayStation family of video game consoles, Sony tablets, smartphones, Blu-ray players and HDTVs.
Cost: Free. Although, you can buy PlayStation Plus, which varies in price. On PS4, in order to play online, a PlayStation Plus subscription is needed.
IOS is an operating system used for mobile devices manufactured by Apple Inc. Cost: Free
Android is an open-source operating system used for smartphones and tablet computers.
Cost: Free


Self-financing means that you have “your own project or firm and you generate your growth capital from your own income, and you don’t have any external sources at all – such as lenders or/and investors.” . If you fund/develop a game which turns out to be great then publishers will queue up to sign it and the financial returns will be greater because you took all the risk. Of course if the game isn’t great then you may end up with a finished product that no one will sign.” .

-          You don’t have to share anything with anyone. For example, you won’t have to give control to shareholders, their opinions don’t matter for business decisions.

-          You may have insufficient capital to reach desired economies of scale, and it’s harder to start and keep the business going.

     Indie funding
The safe way of publishing your game. Indie games are zero budget (or self-funded in some cases). The developers only spend their spare time making their first game, and if it succeeds, they then go full-time on the next projects – although, if they don’t succeed, they go back to the initial plan.

Indie fund
 “Indie Fund is a funding source for independent developers, created by a group of successful Indies looking to encourage the next wave of game developers. It was established as a serious alternative to the traditional publisher funding model.” -

GamesLab Development Fund
“GamesLab is a dedicated programme of support & investment for Indie Game Companies.” -

     Crowd funding
Crowd funding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

“Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects”. Where you can create projects that have to do with films, games, music to art, design and technology.

IndieGoGo is an international Crowd funding web site. “Indiegogo allows people to solicit funds for an idea, charity, or start-up business. Indiegogo charges a 5% fee on contributions.” -
“Funding may also be possible via local grants or tax breaks. These are usually limited to specific regions and many won’t be available for creative projects.” -

Unreal Dev Grants
“$5,000,000 development fund to provide financial grants to innovative projects built in and around Unreal Engine 4.” If the creation succeeds, they succeed.

Publisher funding is an option for larger games and/or if you’re not going to publish it yourself or use other ways to publish your games. Although, it’s quite hard to get a Publisher to sign you – you need a good team, demo and presentation to convince them as well as industry experience. This is because they don’t like to take risks as it would only be prejudicial for them.
Publisher funding is good because they are the ones that pay to publish your game – they take the risk. The disadvantages are that they pretty much own your idea and your game, as well as the bigger cut of the profits (if there will be any)

Companies like EA (Electronic Arts) or Bethesda are well known publishers, easily capable of doing million dollar deals.