Thursday 24 September 2015

Hardware Software Publishing

An electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.
Cost: Varies
Printers, Mouse, Monitors, Keyboards, and hardware in general.
Cost: Varies
  Dev kits
A software development kit is typically a set of software development tools that allows the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, video game console, operating system, or similar development platform. The following quote is the criteria for receiving Xbox One developer kits: Developers with an approved concept for Xbox One will receive two dev. kits, free of charge. Developers creating Universal Windows Apps for Xbox One will be able to test them using retail Xbox Ones starting after the second half of 2015.” -
Cost: Varies, $500 ~ $2500
No fees for neither PS4 nor Xbox One.


UDK is a free version of the commercially available Unreal Engine which allows professional and indie developers alike to work with industry tools to create stunning 3D games.
Cost: Free
Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by UnityTechnologies and used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites. First announced only for OS X, at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in 2005, it has since been extended to target more than fifteen platforms.
Cost: Free (with less features) OR $75 a month/$1500.
Game Maker
GameMaker is an easy-to-use programming environment that anyone, middle school-aged and older, can use to make their own video games. A basic version, called GameMaker Lite, can be downloaded free of charge from its publisher, YoYo Games, and is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Cost: Free
Autodesk Maya, commonly shortened to Maya, is a 3D computer graphics software that runs on Windows, OS X and Linux, originally developed by Alias Systems Corporation (formerly Alias. | Wavefront) and currently owned and developed by Autodesk, Inc.
Cost: £145 monthly / £365 quarterly / £1160 annually / £2900 perpetually

Steam Greenlight
Steam Greenlight is a system that enlists the community's help in picking some of the new games to be released on Steam. Developers post information, screenshots, and video for their game and seek a critical mass of community support in order to get selected for distribution.
Cost: £70
ID@Xbox (Independent Developers @ Xbox) is a program by Microsoft allowing independent video game developers to self-publish titles for Windows and the Xbox One home video game console.
Cost: Free
PlayStation Network, officially abbreviated PSN, is an entertainment service provided by Sony Computer Entertainment for use with the PlayStation family of video game consoles, Sony tablets, smartphones, Blu-ray players and HDTVs.
Cost: Free. Although, you can buy PlayStation Plus, which varies in price. On PS4, in order to play online, a PlayStation Plus subscription is needed.
IOS is an operating system used for mobile devices manufactured by Apple Inc. Cost: Free
Android is an open-source operating system used for smartphones and tablet computers.
Cost: Free


Self-financing means that you have “your own project or firm and you generate your growth capital from your own income, and you don’t have any external sources at all – such as lenders or/and investors.” . If you fund/develop a game which turns out to be great then publishers will queue up to sign it and the financial returns will be greater because you took all the risk. Of course if the game isn’t great then you may end up with a finished product that no one will sign.” .

-          You don’t have to share anything with anyone. For example, you won’t have to give control to shareholders, their opinions don’t matter for business decisions.

-          You may have insufficient capital to reach desired economies of scale, and it’s harder to start and keep the business going.

     Indie funding
The safe way of publishing your game. Indie games are zero budget (or self-funded in some cases). The developers only spend their spare time making their first game, and if it succeeds, they then go full-time on the next projects – although, if they don’t succeed, they go back to the initial plan.

Indie fund
 “Indie Fund is a funding source for independent developers, created by a group of successful Indies looking to encourage the next wave of game developers. It was established as a serious alternative to the traditional publisher funding model.” -

GamesLab Development Fund
“GamesLab is a dedicated programme of support & investment for Indie Game Companies.” -

     Crowd funding
Crowd funding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

“Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative projects”. Where you can create projects that have to do with films, games, music to art, design and technology.

IndieGoGo is an international Crowd funding web site. “Indiegogo allows people to solicit funds for an idea, charity, or start-up business. Indiegogo charges a 5% fee on contributions.” -
“Funding may also be possible via local grants or tax breaks. These are usually limited to specific regions and many won’t be available for creative projects.” -

Unreal Dev Grants
“$5,000,000 development fund to provide financial grants to innovative projects built in and around Unreal Engine 4.” If the creation succeeds, they succeed.

Publisher funding is an option for larger games and/or if you’re not going to publish it yourself or use other ways to publish your games. Although, it’s quite hard to get a Publisher to sign you – you need a good team, demo and presentation to convince them as well as industry experience. This is because they don’t like to take risks as it would only be prejudicial for them.
Publisher funding is good because they are the ones that pay to publish your game – they take the risk. The disadvantages are that they pretty much own your idea and your game, as well as the bigger cut of the profits (if there will be any)

Companies like EA (Electronic Arts) or Bethesda are well known publishers, easily capable of doing million dollar deals.

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