Tuesday 27 October 2015

P2 Be able to Generate Concept Art Ideas for Computer Game Graphics


What is a brief?

A brief is a set of requests for the task that was required by the client. - Client Brief.

Own brief

With the client brief, there's always something that the client doesn't specifically require - they give you freedom to be creative and make it your way - this is your own brief, it's the requirements that you set yourself for the client's task.

Market Research

Market research is the ideas that you use on your task based on other games from the same genre for example. You can see what was successful with a certain game and inspire your game on those ideas.

Ideas Generation


Brainstorming is when you gather all your ideas about a certain project in order to get to a conclusion.

Mood boards

An arrangement of your ideas in any format: images, text, photos and any other objects that represent something. Can be either physical or digital.

Thumbnail Sketching

A small drawing on paper to quickly describe an idea.

Concept Drawings (Backgrounds, Sprites, Character, Weapons, Vehicles, Environments)

A sketch/an initial drawing or/and idea of what a character is going to look like for example.

Legal & Ethical Considerations

What is copyright law?

"Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. This is usually only for a limited time." The time limit varies but it's normally 70~ years since the death of the owner.


Defamation. When you say something false about a person and it's damaging their reputation.

How are female characters represented in Games?

Most of the times, women are portrayed in negative ways in games. They are generally oversexualized - in the way they are designed, clothes they use, personality and way they act in general.


Pan European Game Information, a video game content rating system that informs the buyers on how appropriate the game is for them.

Intellectual Property

The initial's idea owner right of claiming it.

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